Sunday, January 31, 2010

Apple and AT&T

Apple seems to have this thing for AT&T. The new iPad will tax the AT&T network even more. I would like to see some healthy competition push the telecommunications industry to provide more bandwidth and lower costs.

What Does A Trillion Dollars Look Like?

Click here.

The US taxpayer is now on the hook for about $13 trillion and there is no principle being paid, only interest. I would speculate that this will not work out all that well for our personal finances.

Moon Created By Nuclear Explosion?

More speculation on the origin of the moon which involves a natural georeactor. The idea of a georeactor seems to make more sense the more we learn about planetary evolution.

Natural Accelerators in Earth's Atmosphere

The Earth has already been known to have it's own natural nuclear reactors, now it has been found to have it's own natural particle accelerators. Whats next?

The Future Of The USA's Manned Space Flight Program

The Obama Administration is about to make some big changes to NASA's manned space flight plans. The moon mission is about to be scrapped. Money is the issue. The new direction is to be announced this next week and this article in Popular Mechanics give some background information.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

3-D Kicks Into High Gear

Just this past week ESPN announced the premier of ESPN-3D this summer. Disney and Discover will roll out their 3-D channels in 2011.

The success of Avatar has been the catalyst. Now the movie studios are paying for the conversion of previous releases to 3-D format. It is not clear to me how this is done since the original filming was not done with 3-D cameras as was Avatar.

It appears that some HD TVs in the stores now are considered as 3-D ready. Obviously, these TVs are HD. It will be interesting to see when or if conversion devices will be available for purchase for the HD TVs we already own.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Some History: The Manhattan Project

Here is a four part history of the Manhattan Project written by Bob Weinstein of the Troy Media Corp. The legacy of the Manhattan Project include the Cold War and numerous environmental cleanup projects across the United States. The cleanup effort will not end for at least two or three more decades or until the federal government stops printing money.

Fructose Is Poison

This doctor is telling the truth about the cause of obesity and diabetes in our culture. An the Nixon Administration is at the heart of it. Really! Cut out the soft drinks, candy and anything else containing fructose. It is not all that easy anymore thanks to the effort to produce cheap food. The medical debate in this country is missing a key component. It all starts with what we eat.

Tooth Soap

I've been using Tooth Soap for about 5 years and I'm quite pleased with the results. By not coating your teeth with the glycerin that is contained in most toothpastes, your teeth have a chance to replace the enamel coating which protects our teeth from decay. I receive no compensation from this recommendation but just wanted to share this product to promote good health.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pushing Back on Big Business - What You Can Do

Here are some interesting tips on how to start the new year in the right direction by getting back at the corporate jackals that have been jerking us around.

Crude is the New Carbon

It is becoming more critical for getting a flex-fuel standard in place and developing a new industry of 'growing' our own alternative liquid fuel. The coming onslaught of gasoline burning in developing countries is about to become a problem for all of us petroleum users in the USA.

AT&T Looking Into Going Totally Wireless

It appears that AT&T is studying a plan to cut the cord on analog communication technology, literally. This seems to be happening faster that I would have predicted. I'm wondering how this will affect fiber optic infrastructure.