Thursday, April 29, 2010

Steve Jobs on Adobe Flash and Apple

Here is the scoop on why Apple will not support Adobe Flash on it's mobile devices.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Visable Shockwaves from Eyjafjallajokull

3-D Without Glasses

Dimension Technologies apparently has been developing a 3-D video technology that does not use 3-D glasses. My question is what kept this technology from being adopted for broadcast TV? I assume the cost and bandwidth requirements may be a bit much.

Volcanic Ash Cloud Effects

It appears that the short term effect of the Icelandic volcano will be bluer skies. Air travel seems to be having a big effect on the atmosphere too.

Adam & Apple


Lastest On Tesla Motors

Things seem to be rolling along for Tesla Motors. Looks like they plan to go public soon. They are also in a deal to make drivetrains for Mercedes.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last Rites for the 3.5-inch Floppy

Sony is pulling the plug on its 3.5-inch floppy disc in early 2011. Wow, I guess some people are still using these things. Apple punted on the floppy way back in 1998 with the then new iMac.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rocket Racers - NASCAR Meets Star Wars

Click here to see a demo of a futuristic new sport that may allow spectators to get a lot more involved.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Celebrate Hubble's 20th Anniversary on Your PC Desktop

Hard to believe it has been 20 years since the Hubble was placed into Earth's orbit. Here is a link to Wired where you can download some spectacular new Hubble images for your PC desktop. For about 3 years now, I've been using the photo of the Sombrero Galaxy as my wall paper. It's 50,000 light years in diameter. It helps me keep perspective on things.

Build Your Own Celluar Network

Here is the story on a new open-source project called OpenBTS that allows you to create your own local cellular network. Connect it to the internet and you have a global connection. Wonder what TPTB will do to curtail this?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chocolate Good For The Heart

More confirmatory information on the benefits of eating healthy dark chocolate. One of the advantages of living on this Earth, we have chocolate!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Solar Energy Breakthrough That Everyone Missed

Spectrolab, Inc., a subsidiary of Boeing, made a breakthrough in solar cell efficiency way back in 2006. Hard to understand why we didn't hear about this.

Drought Monitor

You can click here to monitor the extent of drought conditions in the U.S. I imagine the folks that live in areas of drought already know what's up. This just lets the rest of us check on trends.

Cool Design

Click here to read about a new design in cardboard packing. I hope it gets some marketing traction.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time Lapse Video of Ash Cloud From Iceland

Click here to see a time lapse video of how the Icelandic volcanic ash has spread over Europe. I would bet that this will make for cooler weather in the northern hemisphere in the next few months due to sunlight reflecting back into space off the suspended dust particles.

9 Ingredients To Avoid In Processed Foods

You might want to read the label on your food container.

Incredible Skydiver Stunt

Here is an amazing video of a stunt by an Austrian jumping from one glider to another while at 6,500 ft and 100 mph. Very cool.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

We Are What We Eat

Can you believe some cattle growers are feeding their livestock with chicken poop? That's what journalist David Kirby reports. It is needless to say, disturbing.

Chicken manure is definitely a waste problem in this country. Nitrates and phosphates have turned out to be big pollution components. One chicken producer has developed a system to make bio-fuel from his chicken waste, but the problem is larger than most realize. The system's cost runs about $0.5M, but it can save thousands each month on power costs. I'm concerned about how quickly things can be done to mitigate pollution of aquatic systems.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

3D Already at a Crossroads?

The head of Dreamworks Animation, Jeffery Katzenberg does an interview with Variety on how the movie industry can blow it with 3D if they get too greedy.

Dick Jeppson - Enola Gay Weaponeer - RIP

Morris R. Jeppson was one of the two weaponeers aboard the Enola Gay, which dropped the "Little Boy" atomic bomb on Hiroshima Japan.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Triclosan is Bad

You might want to rethink your use of antibacterial soaps and gels. Aren't these things tested before released for public use?

Apple - The New Media Company

Here is what Apple is doing. They keep doing things better and keep getting bigger. They have come a long way since the late 90s.

Electronic Book-Ripper

For about $20 and a digital camera, you make a DIY book scanner. Click here for details.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Applied Technology

For all the tens of thousands of years of human history and technical development, it has all been for this purpose. Click here.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pixar Goes For A Gut Check

Pixar (makers of Toy Story, Cars, etc.) has developed a 3D CT scanning system.

What About Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone?

Are you a 'supertasker?'

iPhone Coming to Verizon?

There are lots of potential Verizon customers out there that might buy an iPhone. It appears that Apple and Verizon have something in the works.

New Breakthrough In Solar Cell Technology

Click here to read about a new breakthrough in solar cell technology which uses black silicon. This process lowers the manufacturing cost and shows a boost in efficiency.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Paint With Chocolate

This is for real. Learn how to paint with chocolate. Artists are eating it up.