Monday, January 30, 2012

Who Would Pay $5,000 to Use Google? (You)

Internet users need to think about protecting personal information. After all, what could go wrong?

Google Privacy Policy Change

Beginning March 2, Google will implement a new privacy policy change. At that point, Google will be able to access and use all your personal data and browsing history. How can this possibly be good for individual freedom?

Here is a follow-up analysis by Scientific American.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Nest Learning Thermostat

The some of the brains behind the creation of the iPod has designed an intelligent thermostat for you heating and cooling system.

Cheap Tricks: Slow the Expensive Data Flow from Your Smartphone

Here are some tips on managing data flow on smartphones for those with limited monthly data flow plans.

Betting On Green

Vinod Khosla thinks most venture capitalist are being too cautious with their green investments. But is his own approach too risky?

Today In History - January 22

This was first shown during Super Bowl XVIII and it started a technical and cultural revolution. Good thing Steve Jobs never took the Dale Carnegie class "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

Monday, January 16, 2012

UrtheCast Web Platform Demo

Check out a high definition streaming video platform of planet Earth. This is a quick demo of some of the features launching on the UrtheCast web platform.

Learn How to Program?

Farhad Manjoo of Slate suggests that we make a free coding lesson our New Year's resolution. May not be a bad idea.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Obesity, Inflammation, and Diabetes

Chalk these results up to cheap processed foods, fructose additives, and marketing. We are in the process of killing ourselves with our food addictions and conveniences. I think better education and a little self discipline is in order. Let's hope that the nanny state doesn't get involved with legislation.

Friday, January 13, 2012

LENR Gold Rush Begins

More on LENR progress.

A Primer on Psychopaths

Ignore the still frame of this video. The scene is not what this video is about. See the whole thing.

Internet Disappearance

How to disappear completely from the Internet.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Widom-Laren Theory Explains LENRs and Why They Are Safe and Green

Good article by Institute of Science on the theory of low-energy nuclear reactions (LENRs).

NASA Scientist Briefly Explains LENR

New Evidence of LENR

Lately this has been some encouraging news concerning Low-energy nuclear reactions (LENRs). If this process is better understood and successfully demonstrated as a affordable and safe power source, much of the anxiety about CO2 and global warming could be on the verge of reversal.

This phenomena is a real game changer that can elevate the standard of living of millions within a generation.

Stanford Physicist Burton Richter on Climate Change

Prof. Burton Richter's moderate approach to climate change is gaining fans.
Prof. David MacKay's 2050 Pathways Calculator was designed to be used to forecast the costs or savings when implementing renewable energy technologies. If CO2 is a real problem, this could be a useful tool.

Chemistry Educational Links

Ken Marr of Green River Community College put together a pretty nifty Chemistry Educational Links page that covers a lot of scientific ground.

MP BioMass

This article gives information on a company called MP BioMass that claims to have a process to reduce CO2 (carbon dixoide emissions) and fly ash production. The CO2 deduction process is said to mimics a form of artificial photosynthesis. If this works as they claim, I would expect the electric power utilities to be lining up to purchase retrofits for all coal burning power plants.


Here is something cool. Use this link to send reminders to yourself and and in the future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ultimate Geek On-Line Tool: A Web Based Slide Rule

Click here for the on-line slide rule.

What if Low Enery Nuclear Reaction (LENR) Really Works?

There is a mix of speculation and factual information in this opinion article by Christopher Calder.

Special attention should be paid to Joseph Zawodny's PDF slide presentation which was obtained from NASA through the Freedom of Information Act.

I think sometime during 2012 this issue will see a significant degree of resolution. If LENR is for real, this is a global game changer.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nature. Beauty. Gratitude.

Best wishes for 2012 and thanks for visiting my blog.

Click here to spend 10-minutes watching an amazing presentation by Louie Schwartzberg at TEDX.