Monday, February 27, 2012

Coffee: Drug, Medicine or Sacrament?

All coffee drinks are advised to absorb this information. Note this quote from the article:

Coffee is also one of the only sources of "bitters" remaining in the sweet-fixated Western diet, which sadly comes with a certificate of guarantee that the bearer will likely develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease or cancer at some point in their life. Could the extreme bitterness of coffee be the reason why it has been repeatedly shown to reduce type 2 diabetes risk, as it is one of the only ways we can balance out the highly inappropriate excesses of carbohydrate in our modern dietary configuration? We don't normally think of grains as sweet, but they are on the glycemic index. Puffed rice, for instance, can make the blood sweeter than white sugar which is why carbs are known as "crouching diabetes, hidden sugar." Coffee contains a wide range of blood-glucose and insulin sensitizing compounds, making it an ideal complement to a carbohydrate-deranged diet.

A product that enhances this effect comes in the form of a modified coffee product made by Boresha company called "Skinny Coffee" which has substantial clinical data to back up company claims. I've been drinking this beverage since last September and I've seen my blood sugar drop at least 20 points.

Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable & Reversible Condition

And now, for something completely different. An interesting article at concerning diabetes. Some surprising information here. Given current trends in the development of diabetes, this condition will be afflicting a very large fraction of the people in developed nations.
Click here to see a version of America's nutrition evolution.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Energy From Thorium - Kirk Sorensen

Kirk Sorensen gives a nice explanation of why energy from natural thorium is something we need to consider and soon. You can find more at this website Energy From Thorium.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thoughts From an Oil Executive's Son on the Oil Industry

The 26 year old son of a Canadian oil executive gives his thoughts and perspective on the impact of the oil industry and it's global implications are given here in the Vancouver Observer. Are we fooling ourselves thinking our industrial strategies are really sustainable?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Treating Cancer With Electric Fields

Solar Highways

This is thinking out of the proverbial box and not such a crazy idea. The environmental impact is certainly minimal. Why not?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rhymes With Orange Cartoon for the Day

Nano-Transistor Breakthrough

The world's tiniest transistor has been built by scientists in Australia about 8 years earlier than predicted. This has important implications in the development of the quantum computer. A quantum computer is expected to be billions of times faster than today's computers. It may take another 15 years to develop a marketable quantum computer, but things are moving fast in that direction.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stunning Tech Trends

At Techcrunch there is an article that predicts the number of mobile devices will exceed the world's population before the end of 2012. There are other amazing trends to explore here.

My concern is the rapid rise of video downloading will kill all the unlimited data plans that currently run a decent speeds. The service providers may not be able to expand the bandwidth infrastructure fast enough.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ian Anderson + Cady Coleman Flute Duet In Space

Uploaded by on Apr 8, 2011

NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson Perform First Space-Earth Duet. NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, circling Earth aboard the International Space Station, and musician Ian Anderson, founder of the rock band Jethro Tull, joined together for the first space-Earth duet.

Cady Coleman is the wife of glass artist Josh Simpson. Pam bought me a small piece of his work about 20 years ago that sits on my desk. Looks like a glass planet with an ocean. Cool work by a talented guy.

Cady was featured today on NPR's Morning Edition in an interview with Paddy Maloney from the Irish Band "The Chieftans" listen to this morning's interview. Cady plays on one track of the Chieftan's new 50 year celebration album.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Kindle Touch 3G

Well, I finally broke down and got myself a Kindle Touch 3G a couple of weeks ago. So far I'm pleased. It does need some illumination in low-light conditions. That can be solved by purchasing a cover with a small LED lamp.

There is a more basic Kindle with Wi-Fi that is about $60 cheaper that works well too.

The choice was between the Kindle Touch 3G and the Kindle Fire. The Fire is nice, but I think I'll get an iPad 3 later this spring and this device will do better for magazines and video, plus it will contain a faster processor.

Radio Paradise - Wow!

Since about last September I've been listening to Radio Paradise on my iPhone TuneInRadio app. I cannot find another radio station that I like better. This is a non-commercial station in Paradise, CA. Good website with some cool HD slide shows to go along with the music.

Check it out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stunning Video Footage from Space

Time lapse sequences of photographs taken by the crew of expeditions
28 & 29 onboard the International Space Station from August to October,

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Buffalo Photographer

In the fall of 2010 on a project near Niagara Falls, NY one of our RadCon Technicans was a fellow named Collin Casey who was taking courses at the Univ. of Buffalo. To say the least, he has done some traveling since last talked it him. He is one very talented photographer. It helps to have great equipment and to travel the world. These photos are, for the most part, jaw dropping. Lots of snapshots to explore here. Pass it on.

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Some tips from Wired.

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