Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Windmill Power Overload

Without a way to store energy generated with wind power, the electric grids of eastern Europe risk blackouts.  Seems that a poor understanding of the supporting infrastructure needed to integrate alternative energy production into a modern and flexible grid system for getting electricity where it is needed at the moment.

The Island Where People Forget to Die

The lifestyle of the island Ikaria in Greece appears to be the place, or at lease one of a handful in the world where longevity and a high quality of life and happiness abides.   Social structure, naps, wine, and foods with high concentrations of antioxidants make a big difference.

Earth's Magnetic Field May Impact Climate

A Danish study indicates that the earth's magnetic field may have influenced the amount of precipitation in the tropics.  Carbon dioxide may not be the only variable in an incredibly complex climate system.  Read more here.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This is Huge! IBM Breakthrough To Replace Silicon

                                         Credit: IBM
It looks like this is truly a significant breakthrough for IBM in the computer chip business.  Carbon nanotubes may replace silicon due to superior electrical properties.  Moore's Law is nowhere near done just yet.

No, Felix Baumgartner Absolutely Did NOT Jump From "Space"

Here is a great analysis of the Red Bull Jump by Felix Baumgartner and why his feat was not at all very close to what is generally defined as 'space.'  It is amazing to me that a similar jump (although not quite as high) was made in 1960 and was successful.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Steve Jobs's Custom -Built Yacht

Steve Jobs never had a chance to see the final product, but his sleek yacht is ready for christening a little over a year since his death.  As you would expect, the controls use Apple monitors.  In fact, the design has similarities to an Apple store or to something Frank Lloyd Wright would imagine in the 21st century.

Big Idea - Bring Back the "Cold Fusion" Dream

Click here to read a good update on the so called "cold fusion" field fro Discover Magazine.  The more accurate term is low-energy nuclear reaction or LENR. Although there are skeptics, and there should be, many are hoping this technology can be verified to be the real thing.  The would would certainly be changed if this phenomena can be quickly developed and put to work.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Hot New Solar Cell

Scientists from the Univ. of Warwick Dept. of Chemistry and scientists with Molecular Solar have demonstrated a solar cell with an open circuit voltage over 7 volts.  The standard lithium ion battery runs at about 4.2 volts.  This is a big boost for using solar technology for portable electronics such as e-book readers.  These devices could be recharged in low light levels and partial shading.

DNA: The Ultimate Hard Drive

DNA chips are now the storage medium with the highest known information density, says a recent report in Science magazine.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

It's been about 1 year since Steve Jobs passed away.  I think this commencement address will stand the test of time as something we should all remember and review every so often.

Redefining Medicine with Apps and iPads

Apple technology is improving efficiency in many clinics and hospitals.  The Apple revolution continues.

Hydrogen Cars: A Dream That Won't Die

The hydrogen powered automobile made an appearance at the most recent Paris Auto Show.  Abundant natural gas is providing a good source of hydrogen.  In Europe, they are building hydrogen filling stations.


I don't do much political stuff in this blog, but here is my sentiments on the upcoming election in November.

Robert F. Christy - R.I.P.

Robert F. Christy, one of the last remaining "big names" on the Manhattan Project, has passed away at the age of 96.  There are just eleven or so of the old guard left.  In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, photographer Ed Westcott is still around.  Christy had a falling out with Edward Teller in the 1950s after Teller's testimony was instrumental in getting Robert Oppenheimer's security clearance pulled.

The iPhone 5 Is a Miracle

Don't let the glitch in Apple Maps lead you to the wrong conclusions, the new iPhone 5 has been built with an unprecedented level of quality.  The author if this article is amazed about how it "feels."  Read the whole article.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tesla Motors Unveils a New Fast Charging Station

Tesla Motors has announced a plan to install about 100 rapid charging stations around the nation in the next year or so.  This stations will utilize solar voltaic cells to a large extent.  This is a bold step but necessary if electric vehicles ever make an impact on our highways.

Underground Nuclear Test in Mississippi

Here is an interesting historical tidbit.  In 1964 and 1966 a couple of underground nuclear tests were conducted near Hattiesburg, MS in a salt dome.