Monday, April 15, 2013

LENR Research Continues in 2013

Will 2013 be a breakthrough year for validation of the low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) theory? There are some rumblings that some results are soon to be announced.

Monstrous F-1 "Moon Rocket" Engine Back to Life

The combination of 5 F-1 rocket engines on NASA's Saturn 5 first stage booster had a power output of 60 gigawatts.  That is enough power to lift a good sized battleship off the ground.  And this was 1960s technology.  Engineers at Huntsville's Marshall Spaceflight Center have been dissecting a surviving F-1 to learn how to build a new version.  Luckily, a flight ready version was found in storage, which was icing on the proverbial space cake.  This is really worth a read.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Attacking Cancer With Neutrons

The University of Missouri is one of few remaining academic institutions fortunate to have an operating research nuclear reactor.  A recent breakthrough in cancer treatment has been announced.  Boron is  taken up in cancer cells followed by exposure of the cancerous tissues to neutrons.  The boron has a high affinity for absorbing neutrons and the resulting nuclear reaction destroys the cancer cell, without most of the harmful effects of routine radiation treatment of tumors.  As soon as funding is available, trial studies will begin on human patients.

Battery State-of-the-Art

Batteries have some signficant limitations when used as a storage medium for alternative electrical energy generation.  Our best option for now is still nuclear power.