Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Solar Industry Anxious Over Defective Panels

With the collapse of soil panel prices, some solar voltaic companies began to cut corners to save money leading to a significant increase in defective solar panels.  The longevity of solar panels is something I've always considered to be a key factor in long-term viability of affordable power from solar energy.  I guess its time for an organization like Consumer's Report to jump in and start testing panels and identify the junk.

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Energy Era Forum 2012 - Farewell Petroleum, Hail Carboleum

New Energy Era Forum 2012 - Prof... by LocalCampus
Interesting talk given by Prof. Austin Darragh of Ireland with an emphasis on biological systems and energy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

America No Longer Leads in Nuclear Technology

Here is a good piece by William Tucker on the state of nuclear technology in the United States, how it got to this state, and how this country will be eating the proverbial dust of the world wide nuclear industry pretty soon is some changes aren't made soon.