Thursday, July 9, 2015

Gigapixels of Andromeda

Earlier this year, NASA released the 'largest photo' ever taken.  This video shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the Andromeda galaxy.  This section stretches over 40,000 light years. That covers 5,869,700,000,000 miles.  The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light-years from earth. 

Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: "Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering

Dr. Marvin Herndon is back in the news.  A few years ago some of his research related to his theory on the possibility of a natural uranium breeder reactor in the earth's core raised a few eyebrows.  Dr. Herndon had collaborated with scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (using a super computer) to test some modeling on the concept.  The results were intriguing.  Dr. Herndon was a student of Dr. Marvin Rowe, Professor Emeritus of Texas A and M University.  Dr. Rowe received his Ph.D. by working under Professor Paul K. Kuroda of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, where I earned my Ph.D. under Kuroda a couple of decades later.  Kuroda published a theory of the natural nuclear reactor in a geological setting (1.9 billion years ago) in 1956.  In a uranium mine in the Belgian Congo in 1972, French scientists discovered the remnants of a natural nuclear reactor which occurred precisely 1.9 billion years ago, and produced a low-power chain reaction for about 100,000 years.  The site was later used to study the migration of nuclear waste (most radionuclides did not move much).

His newest publication involves the so called "chemtrails" in the skies around the world that have been a controversial point of discussion on various blogs and forums over the last few years.  His findings indicate that fly ash from coal burning power plants is being released in the atmosphere as part of a clandestine geoengineering activity that has been going on for at least 15 years.  Read more about this here.

Inside the Nuclear Bunker Where America Preserves Its Movie History

In a former nuclear bunker for the preservation of currency, an organization is working to preserve film and video archives for digital access.  Read more about it at the Wired site by clicking here.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Passion of Alvin Weinberg

Dr. Alvin Weinberg, formerly the Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was a pioneer in the development of nuclear power.  After World War II, ORNL was the center of all sorts of nuclear reactor designs, and Dr. Weinberg was leading the charge.  His most creative idea to be tested and proven successful was the natural thorium molten salt reactor (MSR).  Click herefor more details.

Which begs the question: "Why Aren't We Using Thorium in Nuclear Reactors?"

Monday, June 22, 2015

Electron Microscope Slow Motion Video of Vynal LP

Very cool images of a diamond stylus moving through the grove of a vinyl LP made by an electron microscope.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

PicturePhone: How Bell Telephone lost a half billion, but nearly created the internet

The PicturePhone was very expensive, but without the development of the microchip, I'm not so sure the internet would have become widely used until at least the 1980s.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

45 Years After Apollo 13

Here is a great article in Ars Technica about a near disaster during NASA's third trip to the moon when an oxygen tank exploded in the Apollo Service Module and the effort required to bring the three astronauts back home alive.  It all happened 45 years ago this month.  I remember it well.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mapping the Bacteria in the NYC Subway

This information is relevant to the information provided by Dr. Thierry Vrain on glyphosaste and "The Gene Revolution."  The vast majority of bacteria are not all bad.

GMO's Explained: Dr. Thierry Vrain "The Gene Revolution"

Dr. Thierry Vrain discusses the danger that glyphosate presents to our health which comes from our typical American diet.  I recommend passing this vitally important information on to all friends and family.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Livingston, MS Butcher Shop Stands Out

Hopefully a growing trend has taken seed in Livingston, Mississippi involving growing local food that is featured in local restaurants.  In my home, we have shifted to grass fed beef and limited amount of grass fed dairy (butter mostly).  I'm seeing more and more grass fed beef in local supermarkets and I hope we see more in local restaurants here in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Read about the breakthough in Mississippi here.  I hope they exceed beyond their expectations.

What Veterinarians Know That Physicians Don't

Click here to watch a thought provoking TED Talk by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz about how veterinarians and physicans can work together to enhance healing for animals and humans.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Nuclear Power From Salt

Finally, some movement by the Dept. of Energy on moving forward with the implementation of a molten salt power reactor with a Canadian based partner.  Read about it here.  I hope it takes no more than 10 years.