Friday, January 9, 2015

Livingston, MS Butcher Shop Stands Out

Hopefully a growing trend has taken seed in Livingston, Mississippi involving growing local food that is featured in local restaurants.  In my home, we have shifted to grass fed beef and limited amount of grass fed dairy (butter mostly).  I'm seeing more and more grass fed beef in local supermarkets and I hope we see more in local restaurants here in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Read about the breakthough in Mississippi here.  I hope they exceed beyond their expectations.

What Veterinarians Know That Physicians Don't

Click here to watch a thought provoking TED Talk by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz about how veterinarians and physicans can work together to enhance healing for animals and humans.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Nuclear Power From Salt

Finally, some movement by the Dept. of Energy on moving forward with the implementation of a molten salt power reactor with a Canadian based partner.  Read about it here.  I hope it takes no more than 10 years.