Monday, December 22, 2008

Quote Of The Day

Here is a quote by Catherine Austin Fitts that she made on a radio interview on Dec. 18, 2008. This is something that I think we should all carefully contemplate.

"The federal government has been broke for a long time. It does not matter as long as the federal government can borrow more money and the central bank (Federal Reserve) can print more money and get the people to hold it, which is really if anything, has become a military question.

The price of the dollar at this point is determined much more by our military capacity than any fundamental economics. It is a global taxation system.

Everybody buys Treasury securities and holds dollars and they go down in value. So it is a way of taxing every country around the world without any legislature ever approving it or ever admitting it."

The question is, what do we do about this? Her web site, Solari, has some suggestions.

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