Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Coal Combustion: Nuclear Resource or Danger

Here is an article written by Alex Gabbard of ORNL's Metals and Ceramics Division.  

Most have heard or read the news stories of the massive coal ash release from TVA's Kingston Steam Plant site in December 2008.  

This release occurred about 20 miles west of my home.   TVA is hard a work on the clean-up and is just beginning to deal with damage claims.

From what I have gathered, this was a problem waiting to happen.  Actions were proposed over several years to prevent something like this, but as government agencies are apt to do, they put off any action due to a multitude of reasons: budget problems, lack of resources, etc.

TVA is not the only power company that must deal with this type of 'waste.'  Technically the coal ash is not considered as waste.

Concerns of the population in the Kingston, Tenn. area are now about contaminated drinking water and air pollution.  Recovery will be expensive and of long duration, maybe years.

Personally, I would rather live near a well run nuclear power plant than a well run coal burning power plant.

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