Saturday, April 25, 2009

Status of Radioactive Waste Disposal in West Texas

Waste Control Specialist LLC has received a license for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste at it's facility near Andrew's Texas.

It is my understanding (but not explained in this article) that a significant portion of the waste will come from the medical industry.  That means shorter-lived radionuclides which do not pose long-term disposal issues.

From the news media one would gather that nobody wants nuclear waste in their backyards. But the technology exists to dispose of most radioactive waste in a very safe manner.  It is monitored for the life of the facility and then some.

The more controversial nuclear waste is that which comes from the weapons research and production and from the spent fuel from nuclear power plants.  Spent nuclear fuel wastes become much less voluminous if you have the political will and the technology to recycle, which has been well understood for over 50 years or more.  The French have done a very good job in this area.

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