Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nondestrutive Radiocarbon Dating

Marvin Rowe of Texas A&M has developed a major improvement in radiocarbon dating. Using a nondestructive methodology, samples being tested are no longer destroyed. This is a very cool breakthrough.

Dr. Rowe is an acquaintance of mine and studied under the same professor in graduate school as I did (Prof. Paul K. Kuroda). He was instrumental in some of the cosmochemistry research on meteorites using the Univ. of Arkansas' Reynolds Rare Gas Mass Spectrometer. In fact, after Prof. Kuroda's retirement, Dr. Rowe inherited the device and took it back to Texas A&M's Dept. of Chemistry.

Dr. Rowe is also the graduate professor of Dr. J. Marvin Herndon of San Diego, CA, who has proposed a theory that the earth's core is being kept molten by a natural breeder uranium reactor.

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