Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bond Market Collapse Is Imminent

Adrian Douglas is predicting that the bond market is on the verge of collapse. This is certainly not my area of expertise, but I'm trying to pay closer attention to economic issues.

Excluding derivatives, the bond market is the biggest market in the world. When this market starts to tank, trillions of currency will go seeking a safe haven. A percentage will most certainly go into precious metals and elevate them to very high levels.

"The authorities keep saying that they will “use all tools available to them”. They only have one…it’s an electronic version of the printing press. They will spin it in many different ways using jargon like “increased liquidity” and “injection of capital” and “buying equity stakes” and “buying toxic debt” but it all translates to “create more money out of thin air”. Gold and silver and the mining equities will be the place to be and soon thereafter commodities in general."

I've been thinking about this $867 billion bail-out and the effect it will have if all that credit is but into our financial system. Logic indicates that this would be highly inflationary. Too much money in circulation. This could be devastating.

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