Thursday, October 16, 2008

Southern Synergy Blog Comments - The Lack Thereof

A friend of mine commented today that he finds it strange that there are NO comments to any of my blog posts. I have been wondering why myself.

I thought that maybe the comment link did not work. I ran a test a few minutes ago and found that it works just fine.

I appears to me that to make a comment you must have a Google account or make the comment as "Anonymous". That is no big deal in getting a Google account and there is not cost.

I would encourage everyone to at least make an Anonymous comment. You can still leave your name if you like.

Let's get some dialogue going here. I would appreciate the feedback. I am think skinned enough to deal with disagreement.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude I'm doin' good to make time to read it! Will try to be more active. :)