Thursday, June 11, 2009

Man Awakens From Brain Surgery An Artist

The human brain may be the least understood organ in the body. Our medical industry is big on treating symptons, performing surgeries, and syphoning money from the insurance companies. This industry does not seem to have much of a handle on how the brain works and how to keep it in peak operating condition.

A man in Malvern, Worcestershire, UK had a stroke, a 16-hr operation, and woke up a talented artist. Before the stroke, he was doing well do draw a 2-D stick figure for a person. After recover he received a degree in art and is opening his own art gallery. To get the full story, click here.

Last week I caught the end of an amazing presentation on our local PBS station. It was part of the fund raising week schedule and "Magnificent Mind At Any Age' was hosted by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. This presentation blew me away. I wish that I had recorded this video.

There is a web site. It is found by clicking here. You can purchase this video. I plan to do this. Much of what Dr. Amen recommends is common sense that we've heard from our mothers, but he adds much to this and ties it all together.

He is big on getting 7 to 8 hours sleep and on ANTIOXIDANTS. He backs up his presentation with clinical evidence, brain scans, and research data. It turns out our internal chatter and positive attitude has been show to be essential to our happiness and survival. Be careful what you think and what you say. It will manifest itself in your own life.

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