Monday, June 15, 2009

Renewable Enegies' Potential Untapped

The National Research Council published a report today indicating that existing renewable energy technology could provide 10% of the U.S. electrical supply in 2020.

It would be great to see some leadership in our nation use this information as a spring board to creating jobs and growing the U.S. economy. Energy production is money (real) in the bank. If you don't start an investment plan today, how do you expect to prosper down the road?

1 comment:

Just Michael said...

I think the issue comes from the massive costs of capital improvement. Meaning how much return you can get compared to how much you put into it.

I think that the government/investors are just waiting for the sign to jump on board. When photovoltaic cells are cheap enough to invest in. Who wants to wait 10-15 years before your initial investment is even returned? I think that more money should be going into research before actual application..